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Podcast: The OneMind Meditation Podcast with Morgan Dix: Meditation | Mindfulness | Health

OM052: Guided Meditation For Deep Sleep

Category: Health
Duration: 00:30:00
Publish Date: 2016-02-29 11:48:51
guided meditation for deep sleep
Photo via Flickr CC: Pedro Plassen Lopes

Do you ever struggle to get to sleep? Finding the right guided meditation for deep sleep isn’t always easy.

In this guided meditation designed to help you fall into a refreshing slumber we focus on relaxing and letting go of the past.

Is Insomnia An Epidemic?

If you struggle with insomnia or just logging a sound night of sleep, then you’re definitely not alone.

According the the popular UK newspaper, The Telegraph, “in the US alone, it was estimated that $32.4 billion was spent in 2013 on things that help us get some kip [sleep].”

That’s a staggering figure. But if you look at changing lifestyles over the last 50 years and even the last decade, it’s not a total surprise. Why?

We’re doing more in less time, we’re bent under the weight of information overload, and thanks to our hyper-connectivity, we experience in graphic detail tragedies happening 10,000 miles away in real time.

We’ve got issues! All of the above is a recipe for chronic stress.

Why We Struggle With Sleep

That same Telegraph article cited two primary reasons for sleep deprivation. First, there’s not enough time in the day to get things done and second, it’s hard to switch off our racing minds.

What leads to this widespread predicament? For one thing, we’re more stressed than ever. That stress cranks up our nervous system, releasing a veritable cocktail of chemicals designed to keep us alert and ready for threats to our survival.

And the problem is, that heightened stress state is the new normal. Often we’re hitting the pillow with very little transition time between finishing up our last work tasks and lying in bed.

There’s no ramp down time. And we all need ramp down time. The transition times are important because they help our nervous system, and our minds, downshift.

So when this pattern becomes a habit, your body and your mind aren’t ready to let go when you’re ready for sleep.

They don’t know how to shut off. And neither do you.

Guided Meditation For Deep Sleep

enjoy a Guided Meditation For Deep Sleep
Photo via Flickr CC: Yumbrad

The thing is, by the time you’re going to bed, you want to make peace with your day and let go of what happened. That’s important.

We’re all collecting baggage every day, and we have a chance to let it go at night and start the next day with a clean slate.

This guided meditation for deep sleep will help you do that. It guides you through a short process of taking stock, relaxing and letting go. This can actually help you reverse the effects of stress.

The goal is to lighten your load and help unburden your body and mind while stimulating your relaxation response, all to help you fall into a restful slumber.

Feel free to use this guided meditation as often as you like and enjoy the rich and restful benefits of saying sayonara to the past.

Show Notes

The post OM052: Guided Meditation For Deep Sleep appeared first on About Meditation.

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