
Home > Teach On, Teach Strong > [126] How to declutter: teacher edition
Podcast: Teach On, Teach Strong

[126] How to declutter: teacher edition

Category: Education
Duration: 00:12:30
Publish Date: 2019-03-21 00:00:00

So Spring is here and that means it's a perfect time to start some Spring cleaning! This is a great time for fresh starts and brightening up your surroundings so today's episode is all about decluttering - the teacher edition! A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. Your brain is always trying to make sense of the world around it. The more clutter you see, the harder your brain is having to work to decipher what is important. That is going to mentally exhaust you.You're also likely to be wasting so much precious time if you're surrounded by clutter as you’re going have to make your brain work twice as hard to rummage through all the unnecessary things around you to find what you’re looking for! Listen to this episode to learn how you can take practical steps to start decluttering your space, whether that's a classroom, a desk, a cupboard, a trolley or just a bag - start getting rid of your clutter today and save yourself time and mental exhaustion.

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