
Home > Single To Soulmate Podcast with Johnny and Lara Fernandez > 120: Do you think your love life is unfolding in a vacuum? Think again!
Podcast: Single To Soulmate Podcast with Johnny and Lara Fernandez

120: Do you think your love life is unfolding in a vacuum? Think again!

Category: Health
Duration: 00:14:52
Publish Date: 2019-10-14 02:01:00

Do you just stay stuck up at home every weekend because you don’t have friends to go out with? You don’t have anyone to go out with because most of the people you know are busy with their dates, boyfriends, husbands, and own soulmates. Then all of a sudden you start thinking that your life is operating in a vacuum because you’re still single and can’t find someone to love, who will also love you back. 

Here’s the truth, you’re not living in a vacuum and Johnny is going to tell you why in today’s episode! Know why you haven’t found your soulmate yet and learn how you can maximize your time so that you won’t miss out on your love life.


In this episode we talked about:

- Why you are not operating in a vacuum

- Time, making the right decisions, and the importance of setting priorities

-  How coaching or having guidance helps you to focus on your goal

Are You Having Trouble Finding TRUE LOVE?

Let’s be honest, finding true love nowadays is hard! And it’s definitely harder when you’re doing it on your own. But when you’re equipped with the right mindset, information, strategy, and EXPERTISE,  it can happen for you! Even faster than you can imagine! 

If you’re interested in finally meeting your true love, head over to to book your appointment and start working with us!

Life is too short to wait for love to happen to you. Don’t wait, act right now and make it happen so that you can start living the life you love with your true love and soulmate!




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