
Home > Chapo Trap House > Episode 9 - Trump Stakes or Election 2016: Age of Apocalypse (5/8/16)
Podcast: Chapo Trap House

Episode 9 - Trump Stakes or Election 2016: Age of Apocalypse (5/8/16)

Category: News & Politics
Duration: 01:20:53
Publish Date: 2016-05-08 19:00:00
Description: In episode 9, we check in on boy wonder Ben Shapiro, put the baseball crank meme to bed, and Milo gets mad. Then, we discuss the ultimate triumph of Trump over the weak failsons of the conservative right and game out the general election. Then two quick interviews with Ben Carson on Trump's VP search and freelance camera man Matt Radican on actually filming the Erdogan street team's skywriting geno-lie party. links: Baseball Crank storify by @Odd_Hack
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