
Home > Bulletproof Radio > How to Use Mind-Wandering for a Better Brain - Jonathan Schooler, Ph.D. : 607
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How to Use Mind-Wandering for a Better Brain - Jonathan Schooler, Ph.D. : 607

Category: Health
Duration: 00:55:07
Publish Date: 2019-07-09 13:00:00

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we get into the pros and cons of mind-wandering—why it’s good for you, when it’s too much, and how to use it to your advantage.

My guest is Jonathan Schooler Ph.D., a professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California-Santa Barbara. He has studied mind-wandering extensively, and his research includes mindfulness, cognitive psychology, memory, and consciousness. 

“The idea is that when people are mind-wandering, it's basically sort of stirring the pot and allowing unconscious associations to reorganize and consolidate, and allowing new things to come to mind,” Dr. Schooler says.

He explores topics that intersect philosophy and psychology, such as how fluctuations in people’s awareness of their experience mediate mind-wandering and how exposing individuals to philosophical positions alters their behavior.

Our conversation goes deep into mind-wandering, why we often have a deficit of it, and why it’s vital to human performance.

Listen on to find out:

  • How to identify four types of mind-wandering;
  • How meta-awareness helps you realize when you’re mind-wandering instead of paying attention;
  • Why mind-wandering is important to the creative process; and
  • Why the most effective techniques for helping with mind-wandering and focus are mindfulness and meditation. 

Stick with this episode all the way through because I’ve added a special feature and a bonus topic. Enjoy the show!

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