
Home > Bulletproof Radio > The Dark Side of EMFs – Peter Sullivan : 605
Podcast: Bulletproof Radio

The Dark Side of EMFs – Peter Sullivan : 605

Category: Health
Duration: 00:54:53
Publish Date: 2019-07-02 13:00:00

Peter Sullivan, CEO and founder of Clear Light Ventures, is a major environmental health funder who focuses on two things that I care a lot about: one is toxins and the other one is wireless safety. I actually really like my wireless devices. I think they're really useful, but I also know that they are not without a dark side.

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Peter shares how he recovered from the effects of high levels of wireless and EMF exposure, as well as mercury poisoning. He’s also spent the last 15 years successfully recovering his two sons from autism and sensory issues.

His efforts are now focused on raising awareness about the known health effects of wireless radiation and EMF (electromagnetic fields), both of which are listed as group 2B carcinogens by the World Health Organization. Peter is one of the leading funders in the country in this area of research, funding work at Harvard, Stanford, University of California-Berkeley and several leading environmental health non-profits.

“What we need to talk about in this area in general—and this goes for autism and chronic disease—is that it's total load, that it's never one thing.” Peter says. This is a mistake I made. This is a mistake everybody makes. You start out thinking it's genetic. Then you do diet and you start stuff. You try to find the one thing.The human body, unfortunately, is so much redundancy that by the time you see a symptom you've had a cascade of failures.”

“We're pretty awesome beings, but we're not above the laws of physics,” he says.

The magnetic fields that are in our houses surround us but come from different angles and different frequencies. They create an interference pattern and can really disrupt sleep and many other biological functions. Peter and I talk through many examples of health issues disrupted by tech and how to take safety measures to reduce your exposure. We’re both convinced that in the future, safe technology is going to be a requirement—think seat belts in automobiles. We’re not there yet, but we're going to continue working toward making our now-omnipresent tech and devices safer.

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