
Home > The History of Ancient Greece > 019 Poets and Wise Rulers
Podcast: The History of Ancient Greece

019 Poets and Wise Rulers

Category: Society & Culture
Duration: 00:54:29
Publish Date: 2016-08-07 19:00:00

In this episode, we discuss part 2 of 2 on the influential poets whose writings gives us insight into the economic, social, and political happenings that reshaped archaic age Greece; in particular, we look at the turbulent history of late 7th and early 6th century BC Mytilene, which finds itself at the intersection of two great poets (Alcaeus and Sappho), tyranny, and one of the so-called "Seven Sages" (Pittacus), making it a perfect case study; and in response to all of these enormous economic, social, and political changes arose the phenomenon of the lawgiver, many of which were among the "Seven Sages"

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