
Home > Teach On, Teach Strong > [123] 6 signs you are sabotaging your teacher job hunt
Podcast: Teach On, Teach Strong

[123] 6 signs you are sabotaging your teacher job hunt

Category: Education
Duration: 00:15:43
Publish Date: 2019-02-27 23:00:00

Job hunting can be tough! Maybe you've been looking and trying for a long time and you're getting frustrated. Maybe you're starting to wonder why you're even bothering anymore and you should just accept that this is the best you can do.If that sounds like you - wait! I believe anything is possible and you deserve your dream teaching job. It could be that just with some minor adjustments you could ace your next interview. Listen in to today's episode to see whether you may be sabotaging your own job hunt by doing 6 of these common mistakes and learn how you can correct them!For all links mentioned and more information, check out:

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