
Home > Punching Cardboard > Episode 197 -- Rumors and Intrigue
Podcast: Punching Cardboard

Episode 197 -- Rumors and Intrigue

Category: Games & Hobbies
Duration: 02:43:18
Publish Date: 2021-04-29 22:27:10

Sometimes you just can't get things right. You find a ghost in the signal chain and try to fix it only to find you've made things worse. Apologies in advance for all the pops and clicks. Among the noisy abberations you will find a fair amount of game discussion and enough salt and vinegar to properly dress your chips. POPS & CLICKS:

00:09:49 -- Drinkin' and Vaxxin' 00:20:06 -- The Long and Winding Railroad 00:35:05 -- Kickstarting, Streaming, and Video Gaming 00:52:13 -- Freedom: The Underground Railroad 01:00:07 -- Last Will 01:04:03 -- The Sands of Time (Joe's visit) 01:22:15 -- Apocalypse Road 01:42:55 -- The Red Cathedral 01:57:36 -- Nidavellir 02:27:53 -- Of Golden Eagles and T-Shirts

Total Play: 0